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THE DREADFUL DIARIES : A whole lotta shakin.......

So I am continuing my quest to have a good Halloween. I have so far managed to get myself invited to Maynooth on Wednesday night and then Limerick for the main event. Which is kinda shit considering I don't have a costume....But then when do I ever have a costume?
I just kinda throw on a wig and be done with it. My usual attire is bad enough.
On Saturday I was reminded of how strange my life really is. At 2 on Saturday I was sitting in the middle of Brown Thomas listening to Paula Reed talk about style drinking champagne. By the end of Saturday I was fuck drunk in a field watching cows in West Cork.
It's like the two lives don't mix or meet in the middle. Which is odd.
I can't wait for this year to be over. I am already sick of being here. Stuck in between yesterday and tommorow. Waiting for college to end so I can leave Ireland and have an adventure. There is nothing left here for me.
I'm thinking London. I was meant to go last year. But I think it was fate I didn't. I was meant to get this masters and meant to be in Dublin. I know now that I am meant to leave Dublin in October next year.
Counting down the days, weeks, hours until I can go......but in the meantime....Dublin tommorow. Again!

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