Weekly Written Review
I started this week off with a high. I was playing tennis then in between games I realized that I was hot. In the blink of a few backhand serves I had 3 big commercial auditions scheduled for the next day. I was a nice unexpected energy boost to build off of. I had a glow at least until the auditions were over. The moment they were over my spirit dropped dead. Then next day I was lifeless. That's what auditions do to you. It sucks the life out of your soul. Although each auditions only last for a few mins within that time span it takes everything out of you. Recovery may take or day or two but it sucks either way. Then came an unexpected email for Photobucket later in the week. They basically destroyed the fate of this blog. Out of nowhere they decided to prohibit the use of 3 party posting. Meaning all of the beautiful photos and videos I've been posting on the blogs almost since the beginning (2010) are gone. It's unavailable but I can make it available again if I pay about $300.00 per year. Nope. I'm not going to do it. There was a point of time I might of heavily thought about it but it's not worth it anymore. I don't invest as much in this blog anymore and perhaps it's best to keep some of that information private. I'll keep posting once a week to keep my commitment to this blog but Photobucket really messed it up. Thanks Photobucket.
The last bomb came from my landlady who basically demanded evacuation from my beloved garage. My home for the past 5 and a half years. I thought we had things figured out between us but I was wrong. I understand why it's happening. The city is involved. She wants to be cautious...sure. I know what I was getting myself into when I initially moved and when the recent drama took off earlier this year. On the other hand, I'm not fond of the options presented to me. The first one presented is to put my belongings in the side yard...Nope. Others options include living in the house with the cats and dogs. There are a lot of them too. My point of view didn't matter in the conversation. I've been invisible to the city but even invisibility can't overcome someones paranoia. As a result, I'm ending this garage chapter and I'm going to revisit the life of a rolling stone. I'm sorry there are certain things I won't tolerate.
As side form my landlady and the situation I deserve better than this. After 5 and a half years I'll be homeless again one week from now. My stuff will be back in storage and where ever I lay my Afro pick will be my home. Am I angry or frustrated you ask? I'm disappointed but if this is my next challenge bring it on. Yet I've already overcome homelessness. Why do I have to go through it again. Universe...God...almighty powers I think I deserve better. What do you think? I'm not begging. If this is my fate so be it. "I'm ready," I proclaimed that a long time ago and as recent as the past few weeks. This repeated cycle is old. If I knew how to break it I would but I got to go thought this crap once again. Who know if it will be the last time. Perhaps I can force myself into thinking positive and make myself believe that it's time go. I need to get out of my garage in perpetration for my next chapter. Perhaps I have to go through the muddy pastures once again to reach the elusive mountain top I've been seeking. I don't know. Whatever it is I can't truly explain and all I can do is just keep it moving. Oh well. Here we go again!
Sunday, June 25, 2017
* Walk and Panda Express with mentee
* Watching Power with LuLu
Monday, June 26, 2017
* Spot-lite Audition
* Tennis
* 3 notices...
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
* ABC Mouse callback
* McDonald's... I really wanted this callback but nothing...oh well. Spirit breaker.
* Pistachios audition
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
* Sleep, Switch and sleep
* A day full of low energy. Small boost from the Pistachios callback but not really
Thursday, June 29, 2017
* Audition: Smartest scale. The led me on at the end of the audition telling me they had a role for me and they'll call me. Never happened.
* Snake ADR work
* Photobucket changes everything. Blog be gone.
Friday, June 30, 2017
* Downtown YMCA guess pass...Basketball. I liked it.
* Landlady demands I evacuate my garage. I not pleased with the options she presents so it's time to prep for the return of my rolling stone life.
Saturday, July 1, 2017
* Joined the YMCA and played more basketball.
As the quest continues...
The future of Late Night
Motown Maurice
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