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Why Usher Is A Superstar


For over a decade, Usher was on top. Right now he is a superstar. When you create great music nothing else matters. Usher’s greatness is unquestionable.

Without question, LinkedIn and Monster.com couldn’t have charted him a better career path. Musicians can live comfortably off of one hit wonders. That’s why Usher can take breaks. The artist has produced a dozen number 1’s.

If he’s not moving mountains, he’s making love in this club. The superstar cites Marvin Gaye as a major influence. Their styles are similar and so are their lyrics. Trading Places sounds a lot like Marvin. Do you know the words to Sexual Healingand Let’s Get It On?

Have you been to any of Usher’s concerts? Groupies obsess over him because he is personable and seductive. Usher previously stated he works out before every performance. I wonder if his physical fitness attracts honeys.

When you’re high up on everybody’s VIP list, how do you keep your ear to the ground? Although he’s a multimillionaire, Usher isn’t out of touch. I believe it’s because he realizes that he is fortunate. Plus, like Maxwell, he’s never sang a song with all his might!

How many times have his albums went platinum? Who else has won 8 Grammys?

What is more, in the noisy entertainment world Usher is mellow.

Can you picture the mononymousentertainer touring with Justin Timberlake?

Photos: By: Wikimedia Commons
Astronomy teaches you they’re a trillion stars. However, Hollywood teaches you a superstar is a rare sighting. Luckily, Usher was born into the industry. In fact, his mother managed his career for a while when he was younger.

You see the constellations must align accordingly. You must wait patiently for everything to connect. Ironically, Nice & Slow accelerated the celeb’s career. 

Usher is a superstar because he decided to shepherd the flock instead of following the herd. 

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!

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