{Photos from Tumblr & Pinterest }
All my life I had short hair and wished for longer. Well, now my hair is at it's longest and still don't do anything with it. But you know, I imagined I will style my hair every day, braid it, curl it etc. One thing you should know about me, I am a such a dummy at doing make up and different hairstyles. I always ask my mum to braid my hear and beg my sister to do my make up , of course if I go to a fancy event. Otherwise I just wear my hair as it is, rarely I flat iron it, or just put it in a pony tail or a messy bun. As for my make up, I used to wear eyeliner, but my mum & sis says that I look so serious and mean so I just put on a bit of mascara and that's it!
Now I' really want to die my hair (again), but don't know if I should. I just saw this gorgeous hair color at a blogger and I instantly fell in love! What do you think? It's a combination between purple and deep red!
Have an amazing weekend!
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