Meet Dorothy….she is 65 years old with nine grandchildren…retired…but works odd jobs here and there including substitute teaching. Dorothy’s daughter was the one who sat her down eight years ago at age 57 and said, “Mom, it is time you joined the modern world!” Under their assistance, she went from frumpy to fabulous! They helped her begin with a new hairstyle and new, youthful, trendy clothing! Soon after that, Dorothy lost weight with NUTRISYSTEMS! One thing lead to another, and the end result is enjoyment of life and a big smile!
First, I would like to thank you for all of the comments and emails about this series! For those who may be just joining us on Thursdays here are the first two installments of the I MATTER series:
Maybe you have always taken care of yourself…congratulations…but odds are you know someone who doesn’t and is trapped in a depression or silent despair. Please pass these posts along…the whole intention is the help as many women as possible from young mothers to retirees!
Ok, so you read the first two posts. You are ready to make a change, but honestly do not know where to begin.
I can remember looking in the mirror and thinking… Pamela, you need help….but
I had no extra money.
I was too embarrassed to ask another women for help.
I did not know about blogs.
Fashion and beauty magazines did not seem to be for the every- day, middle- income, overweight woman.
That was when my own daughter introduced me to “What Not To Wear.” (Sadly, now over) The first episode I watched was about a woman who was frumpy with low self- esteem…in fact, I wondered if they had been in my closet! I wasn’t offended by the direct approach of Stacy London and Clinton Kelly. I needed a slap in the face!
But, this was the first time I heard about dressing for your body type…age appropriate dressing…where and how to save on clothing…and the importance of dressing for each and every day no matter what was on the schedule. They convinced me I needed to learn more, so I literally began to study fashion and beauty! I read books, magazines, and watched a variety of fashion television. I read, watched, experimented and began a process of turning myself around. You must be willing to become a student of yourself. It will help! A few of the books on my shelf include:
Next time…the first big change I made upon deciding I MATTER will be revealed. Until then, order at least one book and get started!
Have a fabulous day and make sure you visit other bloggers in Katie’s Favorite Things Blog Hop!

- Remember to Follow Your hostesses- Katherines Corner, Over 50 Feeling 40, Vintage Mama and The Tablescaper
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- No links directly to your shops or websites selling things/services please! (sorry they will be removed)
- Yes you can link giveaways (they are everyone’s favorite thing) Add your giveaways to Katherines Giveaways Page too!
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