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!!!Breaking CDC News!!!!

 The CDC now says vaccinated people no longer need to wear a mask. For the record I did. I still do, though mostly for work since I seem to do little else. Anyway, there's at least one person that's not happy about what should be good news. Lucky for her, if she's vaccinated she doesn't have to worry about it. You can't believe the science when it suits you, or confirms what you want to believe, and then say it's wrong when circumstances change. You know, for hundreds of years, mainstream science thought the Earth was the center of the universe. You could literally be killed for disagreeing. But science changes. 

 For a year the CDC said we had to wear masks and everyone on Twitter thought that was just swell. It gave them a chance to do what they do best, and that's scold people they don't know for not doing what they say. Now the same CDC is telling vaccinated people they don't need them and these same people are wetting their pants. Why? What am I missing? They were either lying to us then, or they're lying to us now, which is it.  It can't be both. 

If you feel you need to keep wearing a mask no one is stopping you. Frankly, you can walk around with an inflatable pool duck around your neck for all I care. It's your life. Go for the gusto.

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