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Charlies Nail Art Review

Snowflake Nails

Well where do I start! The past 2 weeks have been most unkind to me. All started on a shopping trip when I badly broke a nail on my cindy hand. Then on my swatching hand I came up in a kind of rash that didn't hurt, itch or get any worse, it was an allergic reaction to something and was given cream to treat it. Then I go a break pinky tip on the same hand!! I actually broke down in tears. Filed my nails and have felt lost not being able to paint them. But without failing totally I bring you today's Charlies Nail Art review on my cindy hand. I repaired the badly broken nail with a tip and fibreglass resin kit.
I have 2 3D Snowflakes that are only 25p.
I painted my nails with Madam Glam Blue is the One, a very deep glittery blue, stamped white snow flakes on all but 1 nails, and applied a 3D Snowflake to the plain nail. Stuck very well with topcoat, and looks very special over the blue, almost as if it was floating.

My daughter made these blocks, and they were perfect for this mani. It felt so weird photographing my other hand, but there was no way I was going to miss doing this review!
I really hoping to be back to normal for my last review of the year for Charlies Nail Art, but if not Cindy will see the year out! I mean after all she has worked very hard this year so why not....
My discount code is below, and you can keep up to date with Charlies Nail Art on
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 Stay safe and much love....

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