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'Minions' Review

Minions is an enjoyable animated film that I promise children will love especially since the children in my theater were so energetic yet when the film started suddenly became deeply entrenched in what was going on onscreen. One thing that concerned me going into Minions was whether the film would contain the same heart that the Despicable Me installments had and I must say that it did to an extent. Throughout the film you watch these Minions go on an adventure to find a new master and really get to care for these characters as you see them journey for this goal that is necessary for their survival. Minions does in fact contain some cameos, easter eggs, and brief nods to the Despicable Me films if you pay close enough attention you will see these pop up a few times throughout the film and then towards the end a very obvious connection between Minions and Despicable Me. In terms of performance, Sandra Bullock was very enjoyable in the role of the eccentric villain Scarlet Overkill and definitely a highlight of the film. Jon Ham also manages to steal the spotlight as Herb, Scarlet's husband, as he was very hilarious with a few one liners. However Michael Keaton lends his vocal talents here but I wasn't able to pin down exactly who he was voicing until the credits rolled so I will say his character is enjoyable but I was never aware that Michael Keaton was voicing that specific character. Front and center in the spotlight as the protagonists of the film, the Minions were the main stars given this is their own adventure. Not that the Minions bring anything particularly "new" to the table since the film utilizes the same type of humor present in the Despicable Me films but they are quite enjoyable and made me laugh several times. This film is very hilarious with a lot of slapstick humor, as we'll as containing several jokes related to the 60's given that 'Minions' is a prequel that takes place in 1968. Overall, Minions is an enjoyable movie going experience that I highly recommend for parents to bring their children to as they will love it. Also be sure to stay through the credits as there are some scenes throughout and one scene at the very end of the credits. In regards to comparing Minions to other family friendly releases currently in theaters, Minions isn't quite as deep and intellectual as Inside Out as Inside Out was created for all ages while Minions is more geared towards children but can still be enjoyed by adults.

Film Assessment: C+

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