Meet Marilyn. She is a savvy, over-50 small business owner. Marilyn has loved the world of fashion retail for most of her career-life and chose to open her own consignment boutique several years ago.
Marilyn is also a single mother of two and is well aware that she is providing for her children and her employees.
Her I MATTER message... to pursue your passions no matter what obstacles lie in the way...and she has faced many obstacles in her journey to success...even one long test of her perseverance with endless road construction around the location last year.
"Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something and that this thing must be attained." -Marie Curie
I know for me there have been many walls to my blogging...but I persevered through them.
Why? Because it is truly something I love and has given me so
much joy!
There is a song lyric I often write on the board in my classroom,
Impossible is not a word,
but just a reason not to
If you are in the San Antonio area, stop by GARMENT EXCHANGE to see Marilyn and her fun shop...I always find something there. And she loves to help us all carry our I MATTER sign.
If you would like to read all of the I MATTER posts, just click HERE!!
Then, go enjoy the wonderful bloggers of Katie's Favorite Things Blog Hop..and consider hopping on yourself!

Please DO NOT link and run…….
- Please visit a few of the wonderful blogs that are sharing here.
- Remember to Follow Your hostesses- Katherines Corner, Over 50 Feeling 40, and Vintage Mama
- Please leave comments when you visit
- Please Link to your post and not to your blog home page
- Linkback on your post (optional, but always appreciated)
- Grab the hop button code from The button page (optional)
- No adult content blogs
- Please no more than 3 links to your blog
- No links directly to your shops or websites selling things/services please! (sorry they will be removed)
- Yes you can link giveaways (they are everyone’s favorite thing) Add your giveaways to Katherines Giveaways Page too!
Adding your link to this blog hop gives Katherines Corner permission to share your posts and pictures via social media and as features on Katherines Corner. Note- All features on Katherines Corner will be linked back to the original source .Social media features are linked back to the hop
Hop ON!
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