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Tom & Jerry

Hello friends!

Finally I decided to make my nails with Tom and Jerry, as I had a wish for them long time ago :) 
So here it is the result ->>>

Funny! :) I used the transfer techniqe to make the cartoons. In fact, I made Tom and the two Jerrys long time ago, but I didn`t place them on nails then. Now, I only painted Butch, as well, and placed them on my nails :)

I must admit, that I found difficulties to place them properly and without anything could broke after they last for soooo long time without use. Don`t do this- my advise. If you will use the Transfer technique you must paint the decoration maximum 1 or 2 days before you use it. Otherwise it may broke.
Anyway. The polish I used for the base is Glimpse from China Glaze- great nude colour that I already used for base in this Giraffes decoration.

Perfect in two coats!

I painted the cartoon`s letters 'T' and 'J'- one for my pointer and one for my little nail and the whole "Tom and Jerry" expression on my thumb nails ->

Everything is painted with acrylic paints. Finally, I added a coat of Seche Vite top coat.

Hope you enjoy it! :)

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