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Robin Thicke: savior of the poor paparazzi

What a gentleman: Robin Thicke turns out to be these days as lord of the old school. When he was intercepted on a leisurely stroll from a paparazzi and the sheer Knipserei also fell, Robin did the only right thing.

Robin Thicke savior of the poor paparazzi

A sidewalk is just limited in its breadth and so poses some obstacles. The now conclude also an avid photographer. When the same suddenly the singer Robin Thicke discovered he had nurmehr eyes for the star. When excited photographing the paparazzi then stumbled and landed like a beetle on the rump with all fours stretched out. The main focus was on the unknown, of course, on his camera, because the precious pictures should of course not be the same disappeared again. Protective he held in the fall so the apparatus upward. And then there was already the savior himself to the rescue: Robin Hood Thicke - The savior of the poor and the needy handed the Fallen fast hand and helped during erection. What kind of a man.

Every day a good deed, perhaps it really brings this noble conduct its hard missing sweetheart, Paula Patton back.

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