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The actress from 'Game of Thrones' will be the new Sarah Connor

Actress Emilia Clarke, who played in Dayeneris Burerozhdennoy television series "Game of Thrones" will play the role of Sarah Connor in the new "Terminator».

The Hollywood reporter claims that the future of film director Alan Taylor has already collaborated with the British actress, so approved her for the role, without hesitation.

New Terminator film will be the fifth. The film will see exactly Arnold Schwarzenegger, but the role of John Connor claims many actors. Most likely it will give Jason Clark, but the list of contenders also have Garrett Hedlund, Tom Hardy and Taylor Kitsch.

Anticipated movies for showing is planned for summer 2015.

Emilia Clarke will play the mother of John Connor, the protagonist of the film, whose mission is to unite people to fight with the rebels machines.

remind you that in the first two parts of the acclaimed blockbuster Sarah Connor played by Linda Hamilton in the third and fourth this character did not appear.

But in the TV series "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles" channel Fox colleague played the role of Sarah Emily on the set of" Game of Thrones "Lena Headey. In this film she played hoops Lannister.

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