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Here's another tough question for y'all.  Who invented fire?  According to the Doctor Who four episode long storyline arc broadcasted all the way back from November 23, 1963 to December 14, 1963 , Kal and Za created fire in the first ever human being settlement.  Essentially, Charles Darwin version of prehistoric cavemen gathered around the Cave of Skulls in the middle of a forest isn't an optimistic start for England.  That's especially true since Charles Darwin version of prehistoric cavemen civilization predates armies, police and prison cells (Except maybe the Cave of Skulls itself, but even it's name isn't hope inspiring).  But yet, all of the lightbulbs in the TARDIS still works so I'm sure everything worked itself out.   
But the question still stands, who created fire in the real world?  Nobody knows the answer to that question.  The lucky person who invented fire probably was the nicest person in the world, but his/her name is lost in time forever.  And so every time we turn on the stove or ignite a match, thank the lucky person who created the fire to emerge from that stove and match but never got credit for it.  For such selfless act still has changed the course of humanity forever.  Perhaps after inventing fire, whoever created probably shrugged it aside as being a meaningless action much to his/her detriment.  Oh well, such things happen.

As I wonder about the invention of fire, here are some photos of film actress, television actress  and rock star Miley Cyrus.

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