Hello friends!
It`s time again to show you what just arrieved to me from Born Pretty Store.
Born Pretty Store |
I`ll introduce the products to you with separate pictures and direct links to their store.
Starting with the first thing- the green acrylic paint ->
Acrylic paint from Born Pretty Store |
Acrylic paint from Born Pretty Store |
I already have two diferent colours from that type of acrylic paint and I really like them. They are the perfect texture for painting the One Stroke flowers. And the quantity is huuuuuge- 75ml! I have enough for painting a whole forest! LOL
Next one is the sweet pink box which contains flocking velvet powder ->
Flocking velvet powder from Born Pretty Store |
Flocking velvet powder from Born Pretty Store |
It comes in a set with a brush and tweezers that help applying the powder. The well- known velvet nails recently will be tried from me very soon. I can`t wait to do that!
I chose bright pink powder, but they have 14 different colours you can choose from.
The last thing from the picture are theese cute earrings which also can be found in 8 colours in the store ->
Crystal earrings from Born Pretty Store |
Crystal earrings from Born Pretty Store |
The colour is Crystal Colourful. I love how the crystals gradient in so many colours! All 8 colours available in the store are gorgeous!
Here they are on my ears ->
Crystal earrings from Born Pretty Store |
I tried to match them to a ring I have and here is the result ->
Hope you like the products I showed you. You can find them as you click the links above the pictures. Use my coupon code RADIW21 for a -10% discount for every item in Born Pretty Store! The code expires in 30.12.2012
Don`t forget they have a free shipping worldwide and very low prices!
Have fun shopping! :)
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