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Walked to the surgery this morning. From arrival to outside, less than 2 minutes. Most impressive. I had theAstra Zeneca version and as I live close by, was allowed home. Didn’t feel the needle at all just a very light pressure as the fluid went in. I shall let you know how I fare in the next few days. 

They said they are aiming to do the second vaccination in less than 12 weeks. Guess it depends on the size of their patient list. 

Our walking buddy E., still hasn’t been called although her husband had his last Sunday. They are however, registered with a huge practice.

DB is 3 weeks into his post Pfizer vaccination time, still zero side effects yet my dentist said he and all his staff had sore arms and general aches. The luck of the draw I guess.

Last evening we watched the new Tom Hank’s film, News of the World and really enjoyed it. Glad I didn’t live in those times though!

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