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Monsters into Magic Items, T-Z

I swear every time I look at these posts, a bunch of weird extra line breaks that weren't there before appear

 Tentacle Worm- aka off-brand carrion crawlers. They paralyze you then slowly eat you from the toes up.
Oil of Free Action- Cures paralysis, lets you ooze out of webs and nets and glide through sticky mud
component-  Tentacle worm slime
Spell-Hold Monster- Thrilling I know. Tentacle wands of paralysis, though.
component- A brush made of the withered tentacles of a tentacle worm
Item- Necklace of Stillness- Wearer can hold perfectly still- no eye movements, no apparent chest motion from breathing, etc etc. Grants a +10% bonus to Hide in Shadows.
component-Pearls passed through a tentacle worm's gut
Weapon-Braided Whip- Inflicts paralysis for 1d4 rounds on hits on failed saves, but no damage.

component-Tentacles braided into a whip while alive.

Potion of Tiger's Ferocity- As a potion of heroism
component- Tiger heart
Spell-Ambush-Grants the casters party the surprise round provided they all attack at the completion of the spell. Is silent to cast, but takes 5 minutes to cast. Level 2.
component-The black stripes of a tiger.
Item-Tigerskin Loincloth-Grants 18 STR, DEX, and CON if it is the only item you have on you.
component- Tiger hide, worn by an ogre for a year and a day.
Weapon- Spiked Hide Gauntlets- Wielder may split their damage dice into 2 attacks- ie, a 1d8 sword could be two 1d4 attacks. Unarmed, they may strike for 2 1d3 punch attacks
component-Tiger claws and teeth

Potion- of Plant Control
component-Leaf from an animated tree
Spell-Growth of/Charm/Speak With Plants
component-Treant bark for the scroll/spellbook covers
Item-Treant Heartwood
component- A coveted wand component. Wands made from treant heartwood only expend charges 50% of the time, and can be snapped once empty for a final charge.
Weapon-Spear of Seasons-Different effects based on what season it is
Summer-Can Haste user 1/day
Fall- Double damage when thrown
Winter- can cast Sleep 1/day
Spring- +5 reach, flexible and springy, can be used to polevault
component-branch taken during each season, then bound together

Potion- Of Healing- Injecting troll-blood into oneself can heal even the most dire wounds. It can also end up turning you into a troll if overused.
component-troll blood
component- A virgin troll- ie, one that has never had to regenerate any damage
Item-Everlasting Jerky
1 ration that never runs out. Save whenever you eat it though, or take 1d8 damage and vomit up a baby troll.
component- desiccated, live, troll.
Weapon-Trollbone Arrow- 5 +1 arrows that break after use. So long as one remains, it grows into 5 arrows in a day.
component-ritually splintered live troll shinbone, with a 5-bladed spike of cold iron splintering the bone just so.

Potion- of Vampirism- Allows you to steal health with your unarmed attacks, restoring HP, stat damage, and old age. Lasts until the next full moon. Chronic usage of this and/or healing over twice your HP like this might actually turn you into a vampire.
component-Unicorn blood, fresh
Spell-Challenge Curse-forces a curse to manifest as an ethereal duplicate of the one who cast it.
component- A sacred item crushed beneath a unicorn's hoof
Item-Unicorn Horn- Can grant extra saves v poison, curse, mutation, etc. Unicorns may allow holy maidens to saw off their horns, but if the horn is acquired by force, the horn itself will be direly cursed and constantly sought after by men and monsters alike. Bicorn horns do nothing but bring curses down upon their owner, and are sold by the wicked as unicorn horns.
component- A unicorn horn
Weapon-Unicorn Horn-Lance- A weapon of righteous vengeance, it is +1, but +3 against enemies that you have met before.
component-Unicorn horn taken from a unicorn that died by the hand of your enemy

Potion-Of Gaseous Form-Vampires disintegrated by sunlight leave little evil in their dust, making it a fairly safe ingredient.
component-vampire dust from a vampire burned by sunlight
Spell-Charm Person-Doesn't work on immortal people.
component-Vampires eye. Stealing their eyeballs doesn't kill them but it tends to make them want to kill you.
Item-Master's Dust- Undead sprinkled with this dust become permanently enslaved to the sprinkler.
component- Vampire dust done in by its own spawn.
Weapon-Immaculate Fang- As arrow-tip. Drains 1 energy level, then breaks.
component-Vampire fang that never tasted blood.

Potion-of  Sea's Growth- Grows you to huge size, lasts until you leave the sea
component-Whale milk
Spell-Raise/Lower Water
component- Whale fluke
Item-Horn of Blasting
component-Horn sounded by a whales blowhole
Weapon-Leviathan's Harpoon- A +5 spear that can only be thrown. It will stick into whatever it hits, and should there be so much as a spider-web of a line attached, that line will be unbreakable.
component-Whale penis bone and several Moby Dick references

Potion-Of False Death- Makes you seem totally dead. Save or lose a level if you move before a day is up after drinking
component-Blood from someone drained by a wight
Spell-Animate Dead
component-A wight, someone slain by a that wight, and a wightspawn from that wight
Item-Wight Mask-Undead perceive you as one of their own while worn. -1 level while worn.
component- Face of a Wight/wraith
Weapon-Burial Blade- Corpses stabbed by a burial blade will not rise as undead.
component- The cursed grave goods of the wight/wraith, forged into a sword

Wyvern- are dragons that didn't find enough treasure, basically.
Potion-of Treasure finding
component-The heart of a Wyvern
Spell-Create Treasure Map-Turns the skin of a slain creature into a treasure map leading to the greatest treasure they know of. Has 1 freebie use of the creatures own hide showing the way to the nearest dragon hoard.
component-The hide of a wyvern tanned over a fire in which its feeble treasure was melted down in
Item-False Tyrant's Venom- No effect save on creatures with less HD than the wielder. Save or die.
component- Wyvern venom, of course- good for doses=to HP/4
Weapon-Wyvern Sword-+0 Weapon that will grow stronger from slaying true dragons, gaining either +1 to hit or +1 to damage each slain dragon. Once a total of +4 is reached, it is as good as it gets.
component-The tail of a wyvern, cut off while the beast yet lived.

Yellow Mold
Potion-of Poison- Failing the save means you literally hack your lungs up and then bite them off. It's absolutely ghastly.
component-Boiled Yellow Mold
component-A mummified corpse that died of yellow mold, then was reinfested with another patch
Item- MEGA-SPICE-Yellow mold actually tastes kinda like wasabi/mustard/horseradish and is pretty tasty. The trick is killing it gently, so you get all the flavor and none of the coughing to death on spores. It sells for absurd amounts to royal chefs, though traditionally the seller must try some to assure its quality.
component- Yellow mold slain without the use of poison or fire. Starving it in sunlight-induced dormancy is a decent way to go.
Weapon-Yellowsteel-Yellowsteel weapons only glint with yellow light, and are highly toxic, inflicting 2 points of poison damage per +1 they have (but no normal bonus damage from magic)
component-Bucket of yellow mold to quench newforged weapons in.

Zombie- see skeleton, as products of spells that are neither very rare nor very hard to exploit, I don't think they're worth anything

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