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THE DREADFUL DIARIES : guess whose back?

Just changed my wallpaper to this. I think it speaks volumes about my state of mind at the minute!
So, haven't posted much in the way of the Miss Penny Diaries lately. Reason for that being that life is getting a bit faster for me at the moment.
I have spent this month involved in a few projects which have caused major upset to my blogging speed incase anyone had noticed!
I started out getting involved with News talk and appearing on their Global Village programme which is broadcast every Saturday night from    . I appeared with the wonderful Dil and the editor of THE magazine, Derek (who is also wonderful) on a random Saturday night to talk about lesbian femme fatales and the girl who broke my heart. (Light hearted conversation if ever there was) I have to say. I have hidden behind print and online journalism for so long that getting back into doing things live (I used to present fashion shows as an MC when I worked in PR - in front of 500+ people) is very very scary! I kept thinking over and over - Please lord, don't let me swear. If you don't make me swear I promise I will help the elderly cross the room, clean my room, go to mass.....you get the idea.
Luckily I got through it and managed to only make the mistake of leaning almost too far from the microphone!
I can't really announce the other projects just yet. As I can be shot for doing so, but! Trust me. it's going to worth it.
Z and I have also been taking advantage of the fringe festival to enjoy some nights filled with Absolut Vodka which is giving me a sore head most mornings. Groan. Still I have to power through and keep going!
I am also in the process of moving house so my wardrobe is now tied up in black sacks away transport. it's kinda sad really. I have had some amazing times here. My friends have come and gone, stayed over, drank here, got sick here, eaten food here. The good times and the bad. It's been my home for over a year. but I can't dwell on my dwellings. Time marches on and all that.
I'm getting excited about starting my last year in college soon. In two weeks. I am halfway through a masters in journalism and it's getting close to the two dreaded words - thesis time. Last year I managed to avoid it. But it doesn't seem likely that I will manage to somehow graduate without doing one. So this time next year I will be a nervous wreck awaiting my fate.....
I am also halfway through writing my book as well. Which is going well at 30,000 words. It's nearly halfway I should say! I have really enjoyed writing it. It's non fiction (which is all I can say at this point) and I have learned so much about myself while writing it. I figured a lot of things out. Interestingly enough. Now all I have to do is come up with another 60,000 words full of things to say. Easier said then done.
I think that is just about it really, Other then my impending trip to Canada which is giving me great reason to get excited. I have never been to America or Canada so I can't wait. I can't wait to visit art galleries (Main thing on the agenda), eat great food, experience canadian culture, eat maple syrup, get cheap MAC make-up (it's made in canada) and eye up some hot canadian birds! (I mean women - not actual birds)
So that's all the news according to me right now. I know you read this blog for fashion not for my ramblings! But thanks guys.
Thanks for reading.

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