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Charlies Nail Art

Mermaid Glitter

Well what a week! Our boys did us proud in the World Cup. The weather is hotting up again, and I feel pooped!! So I'm looking forward to a relaxing and chilled out weekend.
I received some more goodies to review from Charlies Nail Art, most are brand new nail art items, but today I'm showing you this very pretty Mermaid Scale Glitter. I have silver, though it comes in 4 different colours for only 75p. Each singular glitter measures 2mm and are hexagon shaped.
You get a nice amount in a resealable bag. Just look at that sparkle! I paired these with a silver holographic polish, and stuck individual glitters using foil glue, as the tacky layer helps these to stick and didn't dry like a topcoat would have.
Here's how they look before a layer topcoat.

I was hoping once I top coated it wouldn't spoil the look, happy to say it didn't!
They laid flat to my nails, and I just love how each piece has its own colour sparkle. You can find these and so much more over on the Charlies Nail Art website.
Should you place an order then use my discount code BNM15. And why not check them out on their social media to see all the latest news.
FacebookInstagram and Twitter.
Stay safe and much love.....

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